Saturday, 1 October 2016

Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

(Disclaimer: I was forced to read this for class.) When will it end? When will pretentious white men with a tenuous grasp on philosophical theories stop terrorizing the world with their opinions through mass media? How long will we have to be subjected to post-apocalyptic visions (courtesy of authors who have never witnessed a war) starring badly constructed characters who are supposed to be 'deeply human' and 'tragically flawed'? When will our culture finally stop endorsing this sort of condescending rubbish? Unfortunately, probably never, because these kinds of books are designed to fool readers into feeling intellectually progressive and superior, into feeling like they're meaningfully engaging with the world's problems when actually they're just reading a stupid comic book which posits ridiculous scenarios. I also didn't like the illustrations much, I thought their style was depressing and unexciting (aren't comic books supposed to be exciting?) and the use of colour was dull and limited. The format was also annoying, too much text, the images didn't have room to breathe and tell a story of their own. Because I don't read comics, I expected to find something unexpected and intriguing in the visual angle, but everything was very boring and predictable. And speaking of predictable, the 'plot' lends a whole new meaning to that word, you can see everything coming from a mile away. Due to its striving to be 'intellectual', this book robs the format of any excitement and vivacity it has the potential for, and replaces it with cynicism and dull bleakness. I feel filthy after coming in contact with this pile of pretentious bullshit.

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