Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle

So I dramatically wrote that Green Mansions was the last book I would ever have to read against my will, but my reading list for next term got altered to include more books I have no inclination towards (I knew it was too good to be true that I was finally done). At first, I was really angry at having to read this book, I mean, dinosaurs? Really? But once I started reading it, I enjoyed it so much because it is hilarious. There's always something absolutely ridiculous occurring (like Professor Challenger being told off by the police for his serial attacks on journalists, or a pterodactyl casually flying off into the London night) and the characters are just various stock types drawn ad absurdum. I couldn't take it seriously as an adventure story at all, but it was really great as a sort of parody of one. I didn't actually know how funny Conan Doyle could be, and it made me appreciate him a lot more (though did nothing to contribute to my interest in dinosaurs).

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