Sunday, 4 September 2016

1984 by George Orwell

I think I spent the last five years avoiding reading this book because I absolutely hate dystopian novels (an in they scare me), but my reading list for this year informed me that it had finally caught up with me. It turns out that I very justly afraid of it, and it depressed me to such an extent that I was unable to function for three days while I was reading it. It's one of the scariest things I have ever read, and not a nice kind of scary at all (by nice kind of scary I mean things like Gothic fiction and ghost stories). It's a great book, but absolutely horrific. Orwell is a truly amazing writer, and combines a powerful imagination with a profound political understanding and at times almost poetical style, which highlights the unflinching brutality of other parts. I'm really in awe, but I never want to read it again. I sort of wish I could forget reading it at all.

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